Master Key System : Week 20

This week I’m Learning to use feelings of Fear, Guilt, Anger, Hurt and Unworthiness as tools instead of letting them stop me in my tracks whilst i’m walking along my own unique path of

‘The Hero’s journey’…

This is a great opportunity to continue to work on and develop the ‘virtue’ of a ‘pleasing personality and start introducing the virtue of ‘imagination‘ by really zooming in on my definite major purpose with my sits and really designing my dreams in fine detail.

A pleasing personality is not something we’re born with. It’s something we can choose to develop throughout our lives. It’s encouraging to know the traits of a pleasing personality are within the reach of the humblest person. Regardless of age, physical stature, race, social environment or habitat, you can choose to develop a pleasing personality. It all starts with taking a personal inventory of who you are and then committing to change bad habits into good ones and improving on the good habits you have.

I have been visiting the Master Mind section in our members area where people are experiencing all kinds of challenges in their everyday lives.

All their comments have inspired my blog for this week. They are awesome people who are tapping into the Hero that lies within, some of whom I now mastermind with.

At some time in the journey we call ‘LIFE’ we all experience challenges weather they are in our chosen careers or personal lives. The difference is how we SEE the challenges we face and HOW we decide to move through them.

I believe as I write this that ‘Most’ people choose to stick around the comfort of the ‘KNOWN’ … I was someone who saw myself as a victim and ok with accepting that I’m only worthy of being small. What a big fat lie I was telling myself. Unfortunately Most people also become complacent and content with the patterns they’re in. The distress of my procrastination and staying in a situation seemed less than the distress of changing my situation. I knew it meant real change from the inside. All the self development I am going through now has been a journey that started from within.

I want to share some powerful information on how to use the uncomfortable feelings we have been looking at as tools to help our growth rather than roadblocks that hold us back in life….They have a big impact because they can stop us reaching our potential… Alternatively we can utilise these feelings resulting in finding the hero inside ourselves so we can shine.

Fear– Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm…this is something that I have faced in countless situations. When we are in this state we seem to be in a heightened state of awareness. When our safety is being threatened we are extremely present in the moment or perceived danger in front of us. We are very good at being laser focused to get us out of a potentially harmful event or to fight it…and all other distractions seem to be unimportant in comparison and therefore pushed to one side or ignored completely. What I discovered is awesome… Most people think fear means fu*k everything and run. And unfortunately, most people never break out of this misinformed, painful mind state….

It’s not about getting over your fear but getting into your fear!! It’s a sensation in our body… Its actually excitement with the breaks on!!! I heard that learning how to party with your fear by letting yourself go and riding the fear is key… I found out that the way to use this fear as a tool would be to focus the tonne of energy that we feel, and direct it solely towards what our Definite Major Purpose in life is. Converting the fear thoughts racing around in our minds into action such as clarity and speed using the part of the brain called the reticular activating system is supposed to help. We can let the fear carry concentration and focus. It’s responsible for filtering in and filtering out information, so when you have a real crystal clear picture of your Dreams or Career that part of your brain will help you bring your dreams into reality. it actually becomes a partner.

Guilt- Guilt is an emotion that people experience because they’re convinced they’ve caused some sort of harm. The thoughts cause the emotions. The guilt of emotion follows directly from the thought that you are responsible for someone else’s misfortune, whether or not this is the case. We can accept our guilt and embrace it because its a good indication that our conscience is at work. It’s good for us because it shows we care … when we do something wrong we feel bad…which is a good indication that we are actually good people. Instead of beating ourselves up we can develop compassion. I have researched this a little as I wasn’t sure how to use this as a tool at first and this is what I came up with…

We can direct this emotion as energy to push us towards our Definite Major Purpose like our anger can. When we feel guilt, some powerful questions to ask would be…

“What am I afraid of?”
‘What am I pretending not to know?”
“What would the person I intend to become do next?”

When you can answer these questions like all the members of MKMMA are doing daily in the Scholarship programme then you can really begin to get to know yourself… your authentic self…and then the Hero in you will emerge….

Anger– After reading some blogs from some amazing people this week I realise anger doesn’t need to stop us from pushing through our comfort zones at all. Lets face it we all FEEL anger and it’s natural to do so but we can CHOOSE to send our anger and direct it towards our Definite Major Purpose instead. All feelings have energy and we can use this energy as a tool for CHANGE rather than a tool for REVENGE. It can motivate us to move in the direction of our goals. It’s rather like a fuel to drive us to living the self directed lives of meaning and Purpose that we crave to experience when we hear our call.

Hurt feelings– I will be honest…I have been hurt by many people in my time because they said or did this or that or believed this or that about me. I see that i must be willing to USE my hurt feelings as a tool to push beyond my comfort zone and remind myself how much I care about what I want to achieve in life and not the judgement and opinions of others…
… I want to focus instead on my Definite Major Purpose and how I can move more towards achieving my goals. I’m also bearing in mind that i’m not responsible for the thoughts and actions of others but only of my own. Its been a hard lesson but i’m working on it.

Unworthiness- So one of the biggest struggles I’ve been wanting to overcome or eliminate are immense feelings of unworthiness. Over the past couple of years since starting my journey in the Network Marketing Industry I have been asking questions such as… Do I Have anything Special to Offer other people? I realise now more than ever that, the problem isn’t that I didn’t or don’t have anything special to offer. The problem is that I kept thinking that I needed something, other than what I had, in order to start. I kept spending money on systems that didn’t work out. I kept catching the classic case of ‘Shiny object syndrome’ rather than focusing on my ‘passion’ and working from within. I kept procrastinating because I felt I was unworthy of being someones upline as a newbie…or not successful enough to lead ect…

…All we ever needed was what we have. Starting with what we have, where we are is all a person can do…

…So i’m going to Stop waiting…and Start starting. I am confident that if I keep putting in the work, I will improve, gain clarity, and uncover what works for me and my personality.

I’m starting to see the gifts I have inside which creates blessings for others. We can’t be everything to everyone. We are worthy of ANYTHING but not EVERYTHING The beauty of life is that we get to CHOOSE what skills we want to develop and who we want to become. I’m Focusing on my PASSION. I Realise the need to focus on the main things that will drive Me towards my Dharma and my Definite Major Purpose…

Emma x